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Do Pugs Like to Cuddle

Do Pugs Like to Cuddle

YES, they do. Pugs are great lap dogs, always having an urge to please their parents and loved ones. They enjoy those close cuddles from their masters all through the day, not to forget the warm snuggles under the blanket on a wintry night.

Though your pug would be ready for a cuddle anytime, yet in summers, the duration is not for long since it gets hot fast. Any pug owner would perhaps admit that winter is the best time to make those fond memories, with the temperature dipping outside and your pooch clinging on to you cozily.

Things You Should Keep In Mind

  • Be affectionate towards your dog, but not over-affectionate, though. When you sense your pug is uncomfortable with your hugs and cuddles on a particular day, don’t continue doing it just for your pleasure.
  • Love your pug but not to the extent that he gets into a separation anxiety mode when you are out of the house. Besides showering affection, also teach him to dwell on his own at least for some time in a day. A crate would be apt for the purpose.
  • The cuter they get, the more pleasure one enjoys in cuddling or loving them. However, in a bid to make your pug look attractive and appealing, don’t compromise on its weight.

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